
The Asscapades is a series of complete and utter nonsense. Well, it's a morning exercise developed by Julia Cameron in her best selling book The Artist's Way. In it, she describes a means of getting all the drivel and negativity out of yourself before your conscious and rational mind is fully awake.

I have been doing this off and on (mostly off) for the better part of a decade. However, as I go through her course once more, I've found that my morning pages have a comically chaotic nonsense to them. So seeing them take such a turn I decided I would make a blog full of my morning pages or "brain drain". These are The Asscapades.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Pt 7: The Secret of Life

Sunday May 22nd, 2016
7:15 am (3 1/4 hours of sleep)

Trains filled with sagnith oil traveled silkily by moonlight so as not to be seen by the overly large Xurious Pale Boys. Quiz knowledge knows nothing of fruit pies but makes every effort to be seen by neanderthals in the moon. Tasks of great knowledge are taxing on kittens as their young and fluffy minds are so impressionable. They eventually stop finding ways to communicate effectively.

Trouble always seems to find a way to the wooded man's lair. He scrimps and saves but tonight his face is in a purply hue of shiny proportions. Figs from London imbue one's feet with an amazing level of self confidence. Tandem bikes are waiting until we all fall asleep before the revolution starts. Start up tech businesses are trying to find the bottle of the secret of life. This bottle has the ability to make become the essence of life itself. Distilled and brewed life essence is much more filled than the rest of us seem to think. When two or more know of the Shadishious Beast, the creature's stench multiplies to unthought of levels.

"Have your men come around later and we can get that siesta up and running like a couple of boss monkeys from the trailer trash movie 'Trailer Trailer'."

When Big Bob left his work space yesterday, he didn't realize he would beep his last. Only the smallest men of the Tumgler tribe may sign up to feed the creatures of their village.

Once upon a night so young,
I found a vamp who'd lost her tongue,
She looked at me with teary eyes,
While I fitted her for ten neckties,
She took those ties upon a trek,
Which ended with her broken neck.

Some powerful monsters go after a vampire's neck as some revenge fantasy gone wrong. Nearly all space slugs find their passions before it's too late. Timmy the last of the daredevil slugs, a title given to his family by the wizard  Shaharsafa Harsa, lived in a land comprised of carbonated salt cubes. Shaharsafa Harsa is one of the few reality wizards to dabble in helping others, which has lead to many people learning life lessons that don't mean anything at all.

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