
The Asscapades is a series of complete and utter nonsense. Well, it's a morning exercise developed by Julia Cameron in her best selling book The Artist's Way. In it, she describes a means of getting all the drivel and negativity out of yourself before your conscious and rational mind is fully awake.

I have been doing this off and on (mostly off) for the better part of a decade. However, as I go through her course once more, I've found that my morning pages have a comically chaotic nonsense to them. So seeing them take such a turn I decided I would make a blog full of my morning pages or "brain drain". These are The Asscapades.

Friday 20 May 2016

Pt 5: Sass Machine

Some beasts of a common feather find it wrong to stick together. On the eve of the great couch impression, our hero, Suzie Tanaka, has left her day job to become a didgeridoo player full time. When the common law is uncommonly unlawful one man is brought in to bring down the law and reign it in. Jude Law is a man law-st in time who's come to bring the truth from the future. Kerry Grant is the sassy sass machine bent on sassing up the world. Lou Ferrigno as the slap sticking grand mother. Find out next time when our heroes leave the fridge door open.

Pig iron, I got pig iron for a wife. Monkey ass lederhosen is the strangest type of pantaloons. When brought in to enforce justice, Billy Jermaine finds it difficult to do so with his siamese twin protruding from his chest. Twin snakes stream in the dozens when Winnie the Pooh's first college date ends in disaster.

The tyrants of another age have all but fallen and died,
For when the truth has found itself it shall let out a sigh,
Though until time itself knows how to dye a tie,
I'll be sitting here myself eating bubblegum rye.

Billy Johnny knew the world to be fake. However, no manner of news casting could prepare him for the fright of his life.
Legume warriors find themselves upon the midnight shore,
Ready for battle and blood thirsty to the man while only wanting more.

Top down it would seem the world is nothing but shoulders and bald spots. Butter milk pecan men have nothing in common with the meat brigade. Xarzoon VIII is a most disturbed planet for residence. Only those under a fortification spell can eat the crust of Xarzoonian bakers.

Clouds amidst the pallor of a new day clamor to be the number one spot for the world. How many ship dunks will there have to be once I am greatly torn between Torm and Logeena? When will the blood shed be enough before we can just build our sheds out of other materials other than blood?

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